Custom Made & Designed Jewellery
We live in a mass produced world, where most of us wear off the rack clothes and never have anything that is uniquely ours, something that uniquely represents us and who we are. The craftsman at Stephen Dibb Jewellery provide a unique jewellery experience to create custom pieces individual to each of our clients…

Jewellery Remodelling & Recycling
Have you got jewellery that just isn’t you anymore? Jewellery that isn’t comfortable or you never really liked? Then bring it all in for a free, no obligation consultation! It can’t hurt to ask and you will be surprised at how enjoyable the process is and how reasonable the price is as they start from $1,350. Why not get something you love out of the jewellery that you no longer wear or enjoy…
Jewellery Repair & Restoration
Have you got jewellery that you can’t wear or worry about wearing because it needs repair? Then come in for a easy & no obligation quote. We’d be delighted to repair & restore your lovely jewellery so you can fully enjoy it again…

Jewellery Valuations
We would be delighted to organise valuations of your jewellery for you. We use the best valuers in Brisbane as they are completely independent & highly qualified. They provide detailed written valuations. You need valuations for insurance and as an independent assessment that you have received value for money….
Duty Free Jewellery
We can assist you in making use of the Tourist Refund Scheme which allows Australian & overseas passengers to claim back the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on goods purchased in Australia (up to $300) within the last 60 days…

After Care
The After Care Program is included with all custom made Stephen Dibb Jewellery originals including engagement rings, wedding rings, eternity rings & remodels…
Gift Certificates
Not sure what to get her? Want her to have an amazing experience designing her own jewellery? Get a Gift Certificate…

Specialised jewellery insurance will make your life easier. We recommend the Diamond Guild of Australia’s Master Care Insurance which was designed by Australia’s top jewellers for their customers as they recognised the on-going issues their customers were experiencing with other insurers…
Loaner Engagement Rings for the Marriage Proposal
Not sure what to get her for her engagement ring? Want her to have the amazing experience of designing her own engagement ring so she gets the engagement ring of her dreams? Still want an engagement ring to give her at the big moment, a loaner engagement ring for the proposal? Talk to us about alternatives as we’d love to help…

1 year lay-by
We provide 1 Year Lay-by. All you need is a 20% deposit. You can pay-off your jewellery lay-by via direct debit, credit card (over the phone) or come in person to visit your jewellery each time you make a payment.